By: Erin Ortigoza
Feb 12, 2024
State Awards Funds to Increase Food Security in New Mexico
State Awards Funds to Increase Food Security in New Mexico
Healthy Food Financing Fund FY2024 Awardees Announced
SANTA FE, N.M. – The New Mexico Economic Development Department (EDD) announced that 21 projects in 19 communities across New Mexico are recipients of the FY24 round of Healthy Food Financing Awards.
The grants flow from the Healthy Food Financing Fund (HFFF), as part of the Governor’s Food Initiative, and are administered by EDD’s Food, Hunger and Agricultural program and Vida Mejor Capital, the HFFF State Administrator.
The newly announced grants exemplify the intersection of economic development in New Mexico’s food and agricultural sector with increased food security for New Mexicans. The HFFF program prioritizes increasing food retail in rural and underserved communities and providing alternate market channels and enhanced processing capabilities for value-added and sustainable agriculture. Investment in these diverse small- and mid-scale enterprises gives vital support to achieve important statewide work in New Mexico’s food and agricultural economy through projects addressing sustainable food production, processing, aggregation/storage/distribution, and food retail in underserved communities.